GHOST J Services
Services offered
Beats - Production - Writing - Graphics - Lyric Videos - Website help
(See below for more details on services.)
NEw beat dropped- Try Harder instrumental!
Writing services
Whether its writers block or you don’t like to write. We can write you a song from start to finish. You pick a topic, give some details and we can write it up. There is nothing wrong with reaching out for help. The important part is getting it out there.
When you purchase a Premium/exclusive beat you can also ask for production. You can buy that beat, record your vocals, send your vocals back to us and we will mix it and send it back to you complete.
Graphic Design & Art
Need a custom banner, Logo, album art, Lyric music video? I have done graphics for Artist, Instagram, Facebook, Websites, Twitch, Youtube, and more! Check out the gallery!